The History of Touch Screens

Yesterday I shared a post highlighting what new display technology could look like. It’s amazing to consider how many LCD displays you have on your house, not to mention how many monochrome LED displays.

As digital display technology takes a bigger place in our homes and daily lives, touch screen technology is also starting to elbow its way into our daily routines. Right now, most people are limited to their smart phones and their tablet devices, but are we heading towards a world like that in Minority Report where every screen is a touch screen? Continue reading The History of Touch Screens

The Evolution of Screen Technology

If you look at most of the sci-fi movies from the 70’s and 80’s, they featured CRT’s still as the technology of the future. With the advent of Plasma and LCD (now OLED), we are starting to see that screens no longer need the “deep” real estate they did before. But how fast are they evolving?

If you were to count how many color LCD screens (or plasma/oled for that matter) in your house, how many would you have? Right now, just in the room I’m sitting in, I have six. So how many can we expect to have in the future? Will all of our refrigerators come with embedded tablets in the door? Will our windows show us the weather and our calendars? Will we check our e-mail in the mirror while we brush our teeth? Continue reading The Evolution of Screen Technology

Blogging from 30,000 Feet: From Nashville to New York

“Each man reads his own meaning into New York.” – Meyer Berger

Over 50 people from all over the world are going to meet in the center of the biggest city in the United States this weekend. Why?

Because they connected with each other.  Continue reading Blogging from 30,000 Feet: From Nashville to New York

Mission Positive Interview (Google+ Hangout On Air)

Peter G McDermott interviews Claire Allsop from Australia about her poject “Mission Positive” using Google+ Hangouts On Air.

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